package_index.json file signature verification failure for So they are getting the old .json file but the new .sig file, thus the signature verification. Further evidence of this is that when Cheetor used TOR with an exit node in the USA they got the new version of package_index.json: 性能:验证数字签名导致卡死 - qinfengxiaoyue - … 2014-5-14 · After you apply this hotfix, you can then use a configuration file to disable signature verification. Add the following code to the
Mar 15, 2006 · To continue with the configuration option, select the Logging tab and make sure that the Save The File Signature Verification Results To A Log File check box is selected, as shown in Figure I.
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library_index.json.sig file signature verification failed. I'm thinking this could relate to the following things: 1. A mismatch between the library_index.json and the library_index.json.sig files as received from the CDN. 2. Something wrong with the caching of both files. 3. A lingering, unseen, remnant of a previous install.